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Beaujolais Nouveau in 2013

23 Novembre 2013 , Rédigé par Maryse Publié dans #Life

Since 1951 the new Beaujolais wine is celebrated in France and it became really popular in the 1980s. Now it "arrives" every third Thursday of November at midnight (that means that Japan can celebrate it before us, which is unfair !). On this day you...

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English signs in French restaurants

17 Novembre 2013 , Rédigé par Maryse Publié dans #Life

I have noticed that it is fashionable to have signs or advertisements in English on walls of French restaurants. Last time, when we were having lunch at La Pataterie, I saw these (and there were more). They were part of the decoration. I am nearly sure...

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Salon du Chocolat in Ludres near Nancy

5 Novembre 2013 , Rédigé par Maryse Publié dans #Life

Where can you go on a Sunday afternoon in November when the weather is ... let's say "changeable" ? I asked my Husband if he was interested in going to the Salon du Chocolat (Chocolate Fair) in Ludres and he answered : "Maybe at the end of the afternoon."...

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Halloween coming !

26 Octobre 2013 , Rédigé par Maryse Publié dans #Life

Six o'clock, Saturday morning, perfect time to stay in bed when it is still dark. Suddenly, a noise in the bathroom ! Who is up ? Nothing is planned so early. So, after calling and getting no answer, I got up and found nobody around ! I noticed the bath...

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Autumn in Lorraine

24 Octobre 2013 , Rédigé par Maryse Publié dans #Life

Autumn started one month ago. We thought it would be dark and cold as our spring was. And we had a bit of cold, but no frost. There was even snow in the Vosges mountains. We were ready to face a long and unpleasant time. And suddenly, about ten days ago,...

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