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Cuban music in Lunéville

19 Juillet 2013 , Rédigé par Maryse Publié dans #Lunéville

Cuban music in Lunéville

What can we do on a hot Sunday afternoon ? This was the question last week end. We hesitated between a walk in Fontenoy-la-Joûte, the book village, or a walk in Gélaucourt, the flower village. In the end we chose not to walk in the sun but to sit and listen to Cuban music in Lunéville.

This is such a good idea to let people enjoy music in the park near the castle and to invite different groups at the bandstand each Sunday. The event is always successful and if you are late you'd better bring your own seats.

We managed to find two seats not far from the musicians. From the first second the Cuban atmosphere was present. The singer was good and the trumpet player amazing. The rhythm was relaxing, holidays feelings. A few couples started dancing. We appreciated the trees above us and the gentle breeze. Everybody was smiling and applauded at the end of each song.

After this good break we walked to the castle and enjoyed a new exhibition called Les Arts de la Table, all sorts of earthenware pieces used on a table. We discovered some we had never seen before and two really kind persons gave us plenty of explanations. (And we realized we had common friends !)

A very good afternoon.

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