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Street parade in Nancy (1)

14 Octobre 2013 , Rédigé par Maryse Publié dans #Nancy

Parades are not common in Nancy and music parades even less. Nancy Jazz Pulsations is celebrating its 40th anniversary and it was decided to organize a music parade in the town. So, on Saturday afternoon, people gathered from Grande Rue to the center...

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Porte de la Craffe in Nancy

12 Octobre 2013 , Rédigé par Maryse Publié dans #Nancy

The first gate was built in 1336. It was part of the medieval fortifications of Nancy. The towers were added in 1463. When you are on Place Stanislas, you have to walk till the end of Grande Rue to reach Porte de la Craffe. It is the north limit of the...

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Book Tree in Nancy

8 Octobre 2013 , Rédigé par Maryse Publié dans #Nancy

At the beginning of September L'Arbre aux Livres was put place Saint-Epvre in Nancy. It is a brown and green cupboard full with books with benches in the corners. People can "pick" a book, read it, take it with them, bring it back or bring others when...

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Ephemeral Garden on Place Stanislas

6 Octobre 2013 , Rédigé par Maryse Publié dans #Nancy

As each year the Ephemeral Garden takes place on Place Stanislas for one month and is worth a visit. This year 19,251 plants, 96 meters of plant fences and 540 square meters of lawn have been used. And this is the celebration of the 10th anniversary of...

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Greenhouses of Jardin Botanique du Montet

11 Juin 2013 , Rédigé par Maryse Publié dans #Nancy, #Lorraine

By arriving at Jardin Botanique du Montet at the beginning of the afternoon we were advised to start our visit by going to the greenhouses as it was a warm day. Good idea, it was already hot in there. We enjoyed discovering aquatic plants, especially...

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